In the distant future, humanity had spread its influence across the stars, colonizing countless planets and encountering alien civilizations. Amidst the vast cosmos, solitary figure known as Captain Alex Kane stood as the last of the Space Marines, a legendary group of warriors who had defended humanity for centuries.
Born into a world of uncertainty and chaos, Captain Alex Kane’s destiny was forever altered when he made the choice to join the ranks of the Space Marine Corps. He now stands as the last of his kind….
Space Marine Captain Kane: On the reverse and with exceptional detail and color, Captain Kane stands on a distant planet in search of those responsible for the massacre of his troops.
On the obverse, the Space Marine Astrals of War Emblem is imprinted on top of a distant moon beneath the Coat of Arms of Cameroon.
Exclusive low mintage of 300 pieces
Highly detailed strike and color with antique finish
Legal tender issue of Cameroon