Continuing the profound narrative of the Bone Series, eDonnaDesign, in collaboration with Elonga Mint, presents “The Underworld Underworld.” This second coin in the series delves deeper into the shadows of the afterlife, capturing the eerie yet captivating essence of eternal rule. Encased in a meticulously crafted acrylic frame larger than 12 cm, this coin is a hauntingly beautiful tribute to the power that lingers even after death.
The reverse side of the coin transports you to the heart of the underworld, where the skeletal ruler, shrouded in darkness, commands an army of the dead. With every stroke rendered in meticulous detail, the throne of skulls and the menacing gaze of the ruler symbolize control over the underworld. The acrylic frame magnifies the depth and complexity of this macabre scene, allowing each skull and bone to tell its own story of life, death, and power beyond the grave.
On the obverse, the scene is set in a decaying throne room where the underworld mafia’s remains sit ensnared in cobwebs, a chilling representation of their demise in the mortal realm. The intricate details of the cobwebs and the decaying backdrop are brought to life with the same oil painting technique that made “Harmonious Bones” so evocative. The texture of the crumbling walls and the solemn, regal posture of the skeletal figure convey a powerful story of fallen power, now immortalized in sterling silver.
Low worldwide mintage of 999 pieces
Fantastic artwork on both coin faces
Legal tender issue of Cameroon